Make Brushing Your Oral a Fun Moment with Your Baby

Great ORAL CARE FOR BABY: 42PCS Infant Gauze Toothbrush + 1PCS Soft Finger Toothbrush for 0-36 Month Baby
The best way to keep your baby’s smile happy and health is to establish good oral care habits as early as you can.
Our Baby Toothbrush focus on solve baby’s oral health problems, such as coating on the tongue, horsetooth, thrush, oral cavity.
Effectively removes oral stains, milk stains, tongue coating, and keeps the mouth clean. This baby oral cleaner can also massage the gums, baby would love teething massage!
Keeping baby oral clean can help soothe teething pain, gum inflammation, prepare a health environment for new baby teeth.
Looking after your baby’s oral health starts the day they were born.baby will like the fresh feeling too!
You can get a Soft, Reusable Finger Toothbrush for Free. We recommend using it with a cotton gauze toothbrush, which not only has a stronger cleaning effect, you can also save money.

Why is caring for your baby’s oral important?
- The baby’s oral is tender and the food residue stays for a long time will affect the baby’s appetite speed.
- There may even be caries, affecting the growth of the gums, which in turn affects the development of the jaw and language ability of the baby.

Every baby needs this tongue cleaner.
Cleaning your baby’s gums with our tongue cleaner will reduce food residues in the mouth and remove milk deposits, which will keep their mouth clean and reduce tooth decay and oral problems.
Children love our baby toothbrush and are recommended by dentists!

How often should I clean my baby’s tongue?
Gently wipe over gums, tongue and cheeks twice a day. Clean even if your baby don’t have teeth, because Phytophthora can easily erode growing baby teeth.
Care for the oral from newborn,
Develop healthy and healthy oral habits from the very beginning.

How long should I brush my baby’s teeth for?
You should aim to brush your little’s one’s teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day. The key with toothbrushing is to make it fun and to show your little one that you clean your teeth too.
Let the baby love brushing teeth,
The most important investment in your life is your baby.
Professinal Design- Babies Toothbrush
360° Cleaning, Efficient Removal of Oral Stains
- 3D wave brush head to increase contact area and enhance friction can effectively remove milk stains.
- The grid structure design can firmly lock the stains and bring them out of the baby’s mouth. Moreover, the soft gauze for comfortable use without damaging the teeth and gums.
Two Ways Of Use – Wet & Use Directly
Unpack and use directly & Wet with 30°C water.
Every Oral Cleaner is hygienically sealed and is for one-time use.
- Water temperature should not exceed 30℃
- Soaking time should be less than 3 minutes.

Great Gift for Newborn Baby
Looking after your baby’s oral health starts the day they were born.
Our baby toothbrush easy to use and ready to use.
Soft, gentle and comfortable on baby’s skin, gauze for comfortable use without damaging the baby’s tongue, teeth, and gums.
- Baby Caregiver Recommends: 0-36 months baby needs oral care.
Funciones y detalles
- 💕【Enfoque en el cuidado bucal del bebé】Nuestro cepillo de dientes para bebé ayuda a resolver el problema de salud bucal del bebé, elimina eficazmente las manchas orales, las manchas de leche, el recubrimiento de la lengua y mantiene la boca limpia. Comience temprano con este delicado cepillo de lengua para desarrollar buenos hábitos de higiene bucal para bebés y bebés.
- Diseño profesional: cabezal de cepillo suave de onda 3D hecho de gasa 100% médica descremada que puede limpiar la boca 360°, lo que facilita la limpieza. La gasa suave y absorbente es cómoda de usar, se adapta a las encías del bebé, sin agente blanqueador fluorescente, sin sabor. ❥El mango de papel es resistente, flexible y lo suficientemente largo como para llegar fácilmente a cada parte de la boca de tu bebé.
- Estable y seguro de usar: la estructura de celosía de tamaño perfecto y la estructura de cierre de doble sutura no se caen, por eso nuestro limpiador de lengua es tan estable. Nuestro cepillo de dientes para bebés también puede masajear las encías y ayudar a calmar el dolor de dentición. Al bebé le encantaría el masaje de dentición y lo disfrutaría.
- 💕【Embalaje al vacío independiente】Cada limpiador de goma de bebé está desinfectado y sellado herméticamente para uso desechable. Están listos para usar y puedes guardar algunos en tu bolso o bolsa de pañales y usarlos donde quiera que estés. ⭐2 formas de usar: desembala y usa directamente y sumerge agua tibia a 86.0 °F. ❥ Recomendamos limpiar la lengua y las encías de tu bebé a diario, incluso sin dientes.
- 👍【Tu mejor opción para regalos para recién nacidos】Cepillo de dientes Baby First y cepillo de dientes recién nacido de 0 a 3 meses, el paquete incluye 42 cepillos de dientes para bebés + 1 cepillo de dientes suave con estuche, adecuado para bebés de 0 a 36 meses. ❥ Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre este producto, ponte en contacto con nosotros para reemplazo o reembolso.
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